QIC-AG Looking to Partner with New Sites

Great News! The Quality Improvement Center for Adoption and Guardianship Support and Preservation (QIC-AG) will be extending our work until September 2021.  We are looking to partner with some additional counties, states, territories and tribal nations this Fiscal Year. When partnering with the QIC-AG, sites receive technical and financial assistance as well as resources to build better supports for families moving toward permanence and those who have already finalized an adoption or guardianship.

Over the past 6 months, we have learned that even with the pandemic, we can continue to improve pre and post-adoption and guardianship supports in a remote environment.  Using virtual platforms for meetings and work groups we are finding flexible ways to assist sites in doing the work.

A bit about our process…

Step 1: Determine fit:
Your site may be a good fit for the QIC-AG if there is:

  • limitation in your pre and post permanency service delivery system.
  • a significant number of children who have been adopted or obtained guardianship.
  • a significant number of children with challenging mental health, emotional or behavioral issues who are waiting for an adoptive or guardianship placement as well as children in an identified adoptive or guardianship home for whom the placement has not resulted in finalization for a significant period of time.
  • a concern about post permanency stability.
  • a desire to further develop or refine existing post permanency supports.

Step 2: Determine gaps in system or services:
Once we determine your site is a good fit, we begin with an assessment that helps to identify gaps in organizational structure and service delivery for children and families who are moving to adoption or guardianship as well as those that have already achieved these permanency options.

Step 3: Identify a capacity building activity or intervention:
The QIC-AG supports the identification and implementation of a capacity building activity or intervention to address identified gaps.  Examples include:

    • Adoption and Guardianship Support Phone Line
    • Post Permanency Survey
  • Program Manual Educational/Training Videos
  • Marketing or Educational Materials
  • Promising Practices or Evidenced Based Interventions
  • Policy/Protocols
  • Data Collection and System Enhancements
  • Intervention Specific Evidence Building-Assessment and Enhancement

Step 4: Plan for implementation: A member of the QIC-AG team will help delineate the steps to get the chosen activity in place and begin the work of implementation.

Please listen to what Julie Hoffman, Administrator, Adoption Services NDDHS and April Edwards have to say about working with the QIC-AG and if you are interested in learning more or know a system or site that might be, please contact Leslie Cohen at LCohen@spaulding.org


Please help us spread the word by sharing this news with your colleagues and contacts.

Thank you,
Leslie Cohen and the QIC-AG Team